Administration Assistant Jobs Forum
This Forum has been created for sharing knowledge, experiences and opinions between users and for professional growth.
I want to help my boss to develop his business but he thinks I am kidding and doesn't take it seriously Emily Last updated by Matilda: 20-Jun-2016
I am assistant. And my boss doesn't let me do other things apart from emails, organization of meetings etc. But I know how to help him to develop his business. How can I convince him to let me explain what I want to explain???
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Write him a letter haha
20-Jun-2016 Reply to Matilda
Should I accept this job offer? April Last updated by Amelia: 19-Apr-2016
I went to one job interview for the position of boss' assistant and now they call me and tell that they want to hire me. But during the interview they asked me to prepare a coffee as a test. And now they tell me that the coffee was good haha like a joke. But for me it is not funny at all!! I know 2 languages and I find it kind of humiliating that they didn't pay attention to my knowledge. I don't know whether to accept this offer
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If you need a job, take it and don't be arrogant. You can try and than show your knowledge and improve your career, it is always better to do something, to try.. than to refuse without trying
19-Apr-2016 Reply to Amelia
My dream job Jobisjob Last updated by Mandy: 15-Mar-2016
If you could choose a dream job whether it be in your current field or something else what would it be?
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My ideal job is secretarial/admin, 9am - 5pm in Hayle or St Ives with 45mins-1 hour lunch. I have a sound secretarial background, with audio typing, being a PA in London's West End. I stopped work to have children. I had not stepped into an office since 1996. In 2012 I went back to work and trained on an in-house database, liaising with people over the phone every day. I want a chance to get back into an office environment, to show what skills I still have. I am hard working, reliable and understand the need for confidentiality.
15-Mar-2016 Reply to Mandy
My career goals Jobisjob Last updated by Ree: 14-Mar-2016
What are some career goals you’ve set this year that you want to achieve?
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My goal for 2016 is to settle down in a job and meet NEW people. Share good times with them and be able to help out as and when needed.
14-Mar-2016 Reply to Ree
Company culture Jobisjob Last updated by Madison: 21-Nov-2015
What is most important to you when choosing a company to work for?
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I value professionalism and respect with in the company.
21-Nov-2015 Reply to Madison
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