Beauty Jobs Forum
This Forum has been created for sharing knowledge, experiences and opinions between users and for professional growth.
Nvq 3 level beauty therapy certificate. Sandra 18-Mar-2018
Lots of training!!! But no jobs as everybody is ask
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ing for experience? ??????? -
Beauty Jobs Mummymade 08-Dec-2016
I've found this site really useful, has anyone else found their dream job?
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I am still looking for a Beauty Retail store managers position. -
English client's expectations Freya 26-Jun-2016
I am just moving from California to GB and want to keep working in the beauty industry. I am licensed hairdresser and stylist. Maybe some of you also have an experience of moving from the other country and can share it with me. What differences you have noticed maybe in the mentality or expectations of clients.
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Thank you! -
Where to work as a nail master? Katie Last updated by Amy: 09-May-2016
Hello everybody! I want to try myself as a nail master. How do you think is it better to start working in the salon or try to find my own clients. In which case I will get paid better?
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It depends... If you find a salon with good reputation I guess you will find more customers
09-May-2016 Reply to Amy
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