College Jobs Forum
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Plumbing Lecturer Engineer Alan Marshall 12-Jan-2017
i am after a position of plumbing lecturer asap i have vast experience and qualification in my craft,good references a dbs certificate,i am very hardworking and previous students, and college owners have called me a bible of knowledge and i feel that i so much to offer to new students in industry.
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My career goals Jobisjob Last updated by JobisJob: 03-Oct-2015
What are some career goals you’ve set this year that you want to achieve?
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Alan Marshall. Eng Tech Rp :
What I would like to achieve in 2016: I would like to seek employment as a plumbing lecturer, or maintenance plumbing engineer at a hospital for which I hold vast experience and of course qualifications in
03-Oct-2015 Reply to Alan Marshall. Eng Tech RP
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