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Job offers in
Burhill Golf And Leisure Limited
According to our data, Burhill Golf And Leisure Limited has published 58 job offers during the past 12 months and there are currently 17 live job listings on JobisJob.
The majority of job offers are published under the Hospitality - Catering category.
The job titles with the most openings from this company in the last 12 months have been Assistant General Manager - Mulligans and Chef de Partie - Park Golf Club.
A position at Burhill Golf And Leisure Limited has an average salary of £29,500.
The employment type most offered at Burhill Golf And Leisure Limited is Permanent.
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Latest Job Offers
Payroll Administrator - Burhill Golf Club - Walton-on-Thames, SurreyEasy Apply!
£28,000 - £32,000 pa dependant on experience
Walton-on-Thames, Surrey
Chef de Partie / Junior Sous Chef - The Shropshire - Telford, Shropshire
Up to £25,000 per annum
Telford, Shropshire
Course Manager - Abbey Hill Golf Centre - Milton Keynes, BuckinghamshireEasy Apply!
£47,000 - £50,000
Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
JNR Sous Chef - Birchwood Park Golf Club - Wilmington, Dartford
Wilmington, Dartford
Food and Beverage Assistants - Birchwood Park Golf Club - Wilmington, Dartford
Meets National Minmum Wage
Wilmington, Dartford
Chef de Partie - Birchwood Park Golf Club - Wilmington, DartfordEasy Apply!
Wilmington, Dartford
Night Cleaning Supervisor - Birchwood Park Golf Club - Wilmington, Dartford
£13.16 per hour
Wilmington, Dartford
Chef de Partie - Ramsdale Park Golf Centre - Nottingham, NottinghamshireEasy Apply!
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
Junior Sous Chef - Birchwood Park Golf Club - Wilmington, DartfordEasy Apply!
Wilmington, Dartford
Chef de Partie / Junior Sous Chef - The Shropshire - Telford, ShropshireEasy Apply!
Up to £25,000 per annum
Telford, Shropshire