According to our data, Corvus People has published 112 job offers during the past 12 months and there are currently 10 live job listings on JobisJob.
The top 2 categories where Corvus People tend to post job openings are IT - Telecomm with 18.8% and Sales with 18.8% of all their job offers.
The job title with the most openings from this company during the last 12 months has been Field Sales Representative.
A position at Corvus People has an average salary of £47,300.
The employment type most offered at Corvus People is Permanent.
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Trends Last 12 months


Last 12 months
Latest Job Offers
Oracle (Fusion) Functional Lead
£90000 - £100000/annum
Belfast, NIR, GB, United Kingdom
£75000 - £95000/annum
Belfast, NIR, GB, United Kingdom
Oracle (Fusion) Reporting Lead
£70000 - £90000/annum
Belfast, NIR, GB, United Kingdom
FCFA 40K - FCFA 45K (Employer Est.)
£35000 - £65000/annum
Belfast, NIR, GB, United Kingdom
£40000 - £70000/annum
Newry, Newry, NIR, BT34, GB, United Kingdom
£30000 - £37000/annum
Belfast, Belfast, NIR, BT51, GB, United Kingdom
Intermediate Quantity Surveyor
£35000 - £40000/annum
Newry, NIR, GB, United Kingdom
Customer Service Representative
£24000 - £27000/annum
Belfast, NIR, GB, United Kingdom
£70000 - £80000/annum
Newry, NIR, GB, United Kingdom