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Job offers in
Fashion Personnel Limited
During the past 12 months Fashion Personnel Limited has published over 1,095 job offers and currently has 50 job openings on JobisJob.
The majority of job offers are published under the Retail category.
The job titles with the most openings from this company in the last 12 months have been Assistant Merchandiser and Garment Technologist.
A position at Fashion Personnel Limited has an average salary of £38,400.
The employment type most offered at Fashion Personnel Limited is Permanent.
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Junior Accessories / Footwear Designer
Manchester, UK
Eye, Peterborough, UK
Temporary Buyers Admin Assistant - Luxury Fashion
London, UK
Newcastle upon Tyne NE16, UK
Greater Manchester, UK
South London, UK
Greater Manchester, UK
South London, UK
Up to £40,000
Surrey; South West London; South London; South East; London
London, UK