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Job offers in
Immunocore Limited
According to our data, Immunocore Limited has published 90 job offers during the past 12 months and there are currently 19 live job listings on JobisJob.
The majority of job offers are published under the Science - Research category.
The job title with the most openings from this company during the last 12 months has been Bioinformatics/Data Engineer.
A position at Immunocore Limited has an average salary of £52,000.
The employment type most offered at Immunocore Limited is Permanent.
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Last 12 months
Latest Job Offers
Scientist - Experimental Immunology | 9 months FTC
40.00-60.00 hour
Abingdon-on-Thames OX14, Oxfordshire, South East
Scientist – Infectious Diseases
40.00-60.00 hour
Oxford OX1, Oxfordshire, South East
Senior Scientist II - Exploratory Diagnostics(12 Month FTC)
40.00-60.00 hour
Oxford OX1, Oxfordshire, South East
Senior Research Scientist II – Target Identification & Validation
40.00-60.00 hour
Oxford OX1, Oxfordshire, South East
Senior Scientist I – Infectious Diseases
40.00-60.00 hour
Oxford OX1, Oxfordshire, South East
Senior Scientist I, Research – Target ID and Validation
40.00-60.00 hour
Oxford OX1, Oxfordshire, South East
Research Scientist - Autoimmune Diseases
40.00-60.00 hour
Oxford OX1, Oxfordshire, South East
Research Scientist – Autoimmune Research
40.00-60.00 hour
Oxford OX1, Oxfordshire, South East
Senior Scientist II, Antibody Platform
40.00-60.00 hour
Oxford OX1, Oxfordshire, South East
Associate Scientist, Exploratory Diagnostics - Translational Medicine
40.00-60.00 hour
Oxford OX1, Oxfordshire, South East