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Job offers in
Permanent Futures Limited
According to our data, Permanent Futures Limited has published 35 job offers during the past 12 months and there are currently 60 live job listings on JobisJob.
The majority of job offers are published under the IT - Telecomm category.
The job titles with the most openings from this company in the last 12 months have been 2nd Line Support and 3rd Line Support.
A position at Permanent Futures Limited has an average salary of £54,800.
The employment type most offered at Permanent Futures Limited is Permanent.
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Latest Job Offers
National Account Manager - Slough
40.00-60.00 hour
Slough SL1, Berkshire, South East
Key Account Manager - Manchester
40.00-60.00 hour
Manchester M2, Greater Manchester, North West
National Account Executive - Manchester
40.00-60.00 hour
Manchester M2, Greater Manchester, North West
Environment, Health and Safety Manager - Wakefield
40.00-60.00 hour
Wakefield WF1, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire and the Humber
Applications and Data Teams Manager - DV Cleared
Day Rate - Inside IR35
Learning and Development Manager - Cumbria
40.00-60.00 hour
Preston PR0, Lancashire, North West
40.00-60.00 hour
Leicester LE1, Leicestershire, East Midlands
Environmental Manager - Wakefield
40.00-60.00 hour
Wakefield WF1, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire and the Humber
Learning & Development Manager - Carlisle
40.00-60.00 hour
Carlisle CA3, Cumbria, North West
Speech and Language Therapist - London
40.00-60.00 hour
London EC1A, City of London, London