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Job offers in
The Social Care Training Hub Limited
Based on our internal data during the last 12 months The Social Care Training Hub Limited has published 153 job offers and are currently hiring to fill 11 positions on JobisJob.
The majority of job offers are published under the Social and Civil Services category.
The job titles with the most openings from this company in the last 12 months have been Social Worker and Healthcare Assistant.
A position at The Social Care Training Hub Limited has an average salary of £33,300.
The employment type most offered at The Social Care Training Hub Limited is Permanent.
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Trends Last 12 months


Last 12 months
Latest Job Offers
Young Person's Support Worker - Residential
£14.00 - £15.00 Per hour (Employer Est.)
North Lanarkshire
Health Care assistants - Duns/Berwiick-flexible work!
£ 12.00 - £ 16.00 Per Hr
Duns, Berwickshire, Scotland
Residential Child Care Officers - Glasgow
£ 15.00 - £ 18.00 Per Hr
Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland
£ 25.00 - £ 60.00 Per Hr
Scotland, Scotland
£14.06 - £22.49/hour
Fort William, Highlands, United Kingdom
Health Care assistants - Duns/Berwiick-flexible work!
£12.00 - £16.00 Per hour (Employer Est.)
Duns, Scotland
£25.00 - £35.00/hour
Dundee, United Kingdom
Health Care assistants -Peebles/Innerleithen-flexible work!
£ 12.00 - £ 16.00 Per Hr
Scottish Borders, Roxburgh
£ 25.00 - £ 30.00 Per Hr
Orkney, Orkney
Pupil Support Worker - Edinburgh
£12.81 - £14.00 Per hour (Employer Est.)
Edinburgh, Scotland