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Job offers in
Workshop Recruitment - WRUK
According to our data, Workshop Recruitment - WRUK has published 997 job offers during the past 12 months and there are currently 60 live job listings on JobisJob.
The top 2 categories where Workshop Recruitment - WRUK tend to post job openings are Construction - Real Estate with 27.9% and Engineering with 24% of all their job offers.
The job title with the most openings from this company during the last 12 months has been Labourer.
A position at Workshop Recruitment - WRUK has an average salary of £33,700.
The employment type most offered at Workshop Recruitment - WRUK is Permanent.
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Latest Job Offers
£27000 - £40000/annum
Havant, United Kingdom
Life Insurance Sales Advisor Life Insurance Sales Advisor
£28K - £30K (Employer Est.)
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Account Manager – Buying and Procurement
£28K - £35K (Employer Est.)
Eastleigh, England
£23K - £24K (Employer Est.)
Portsmouth, South East England, England
£35000 - £43000/annum £35-43K
Havant, United Kingdom
£55000/annum £55K
Southampton, United Kingdom
Accounts & Finance Office Administrator
£28K - £33K (Employer Est.)
Havant, England
£13.00 Per hour (Employer Est.)
Hedge End, England
£35000/annum £35K per year plus van, fuel card, uniform
Portsmouth, United Kingdom