Jobs in Doncaster Forum
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ushering Kate Last updated by Jane: 09-Jun-2017
My husband's being relocated to Doncaster and I'm concerned about job possibilities for myself. I've been working as usher in a local cinema, but with cinemas closing everywhere I fear I may not have it that easy to find work once there. Does anybody know what the situation is like there?
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I'm not familiar with Doncaster but even so, I don't see your situation that bad. Even if you couldn't get a job as cinema usher you could surely opt to similar jobs in shopping centers or big shopping areas where there's always need for customer assistance. You must be well used to dealing with the public.
09-Jun-2017 Reply to Jane-
This sounds good, I'll have to try, though I must say I'm really worried. My job has always been a way to have some pocket money for extras, and it's always worked great. I wouldn't be wanting to lose it, it gives me the sort of flexibility I need. lateral thinking. Thanks.
09-Jun-2017 Reply to Kate-
If you push me I'd say you could try and get a job afternoons in a coffee shop. It can be fun :-)
09-Jun-2017 Reply to Jane
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