20 Hospital Porter Jobs

Some Valuable Facts about Hospital porter jobs

To apply for a job, what are you waiting for? There are many job seekers interested in the vacances of Hospital porter: nearly 46% of our users in the Hospitality - Catering sector are looking for the same as you.

Are you ready for the hunt? Here is your choice: 91 jobs related to your search. You can also see the labour market evolution, since there are 117 offers that have been published in the last 7 days and there are other 205 open nominations in the last month that you really shouldn’t miss!

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Forum Hospital Porter

  • Porter I’d like to get a job as a hospital porter, can anybody help with the requirements?
    • Logan:
      There are no specific requirements. Like with similar jobs, I’m sure you’ll be expected to have good communication skills, and gentle care to be able to deal nicely with patients and their families. Character is an important aspect I’m sure, as you should probably be able to cope well with sickness and death, and also for sure you’d be expected to be able to react with calm but quickly when there’s an emergency.
      • Tim:
        Do you know if it's easy to get a job temporarily, for example for the holiday periods?
        • Logan:
          Uff, no idea, but I'd say that they probably need extra staff at holiday periods. I wouldn't think it's exactly the same as in shopping centres, when extra staff is needed, but definitely, for example at Christmas, people tend to take days off and somebody has to do the job. If the hospital is big or part of a corporation they may have enough staff to organise shifts, but in relatively small ones they may take on new staff temporarily. You can only try
    See Forum
  • My dream job If you could choose a dream job whether it be in your current field or something else what would it be?
    • Andrew kaye Sparsholtt:
      working in a zoo, looking after animals and mucking out cages of none
      Dangerous animals. or working as an hospital porter,
      or playing for spurs.
    • Steve:
      My ideal job is any thing you can give me
    See Forum

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  • leslie morgan catering team member: yes ssp ltd - don