167 NHS Band 9 Jobs

Some Valuable Facts about Nhs band 9 jobs

We are pleased that approximately 10% of our users in the Health sector, are also interested in applying to some of these jobs.

Are you ready for the hunt? Here is your choice: 83 jobs related to your search. You can also see the labour market evolution, since there are 306 offers that have been published in the last 7 days and there are other 513 open nominations in the last month that you really shouldn’t miss!

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Forum NHS Band 9

  • NHS band 9 salary How much should I expect my pay to be? Wouldn’t the minimum wage for band 9 be £85.000 a year?
    • Jessi:
      85K is definitely not the top but not the bottom either, band 9 starts at 79K a year aprox . the fork is between 79.5k and 100k roughly speaking.
      • Linda:
        Ahhh, I see, thanks. It looks kind of low though, doesn’t it? I would have thought that band 9, by its nature would have started at a higher figure.
    See Forum
  • Nursing Is it that difficult to get a band 9 nursing job? I’m trying but don’t seem to succeed.
    • Dylan:
      Yep, not easy to find plus a lot are managerial positions and are not advertised with reference to bands. At least that’s my experience.
    See Forum