1,726 Production Operative Jobs

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Are you ready for the hunt? Here is your choice: 5,724 jobs related to your search. You can also see the labour market evolution, since there are 3,517 offers that have been published in the last 7 days and there are other 11,733 open nominations in the last month that you really shouldn’t miss!

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Forum Production Operative

  • What can the worker do if the factory doesn't comply with the safety regulations? I think in our factory where I work they don't comply with safety. What can I do?
    • Tracy:
      Advise to contact Health and Safety-from on-line. Guidelines are in place to protect employers/employees.
    See Forum
  • Sacked Anyone ever been dismissed on the grounds of beeing to Intelligent for the job and beeing told you would get bored and leave in a few weeks ..so not suitable
    • weeppno1:
      I was in the same position as yourself 9 months and they terminated my contract,I was running a machine but boss didn't like me as I wasn't prepared to be bullied,like the rest off the staff and to learn that you have to be employed by any company for 2 years,I wonder why you sign a contract it's useless.
    See Forum
  • I've created a defective product. Don't know what to do now I feel bad and I couldn't sleep last night. Yesterday in the factory I was distracted and didn't notice that there was the badly shaped product and let it go to the box. So I've packaged a defective product. I've done my job badly. What can I do now?
    See Forum
  • My dream job If you could choose a dream job whether it be in your current field or something else what would it be?
    • Callum:
      My ideal job is looking after animals, animal care.
    • Robert:
      My ideal job is Part time Delivery Driver Early Mornings / Late Afternoons in the Oldham / North Manchester Area
    See Forum

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  • Sid James firewall inspector: advertised the vacancy. Britax car plant - Droitwich