17,218 Production Jobs

Some Valuable Facts about Production jobs

To apply for a job, what are you waiting for? There are many job seekers interested in the vacances of Production: nearly 43% of our users in the Production - Manufacturing sector are looking for the same as you.

Are you ready for the hunt? Here is your choice: 30,574 jobs related to your search. You can also see the labour market evolution, since there are 15,386 offers that have been published in the last 7 days and there are other 49,094 open nominations in the last month that you really shouldn’t miss!

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Forum Production

  • What do they do with the products that does not meet the standards at factories? Those working in the food production. What do they do with the leftovers or the things that for example don't have the correct shape. they just throw it away or they put it back and reproduce it?
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  • Do I need a special training to work in production? Special training in production is not required, is it?
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  • My dream job If you could choose a dream job whether it be in your current field or something else what would it be?
    • Elizabeth P[orter:
      My ideal job is factory production line worker
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