1,885 Retail Manager Jobs

Some Valuable Facts about Retail manager jobs

We are pleased that approximately 10% of our users in the Retail sector, are also interested in applying to some of these jobs.

If you are contemplating a radical change in life, moving to another country is a great start, and if it is for work even better: we have 43 Retail manager jobs in Dublin (Ireland).

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Forum Retail Manager

  • Inventory, Sales, Retail Management System Hello,

    One of our customer is looking for a complete solution from managing Inventory to sales to retail management. On exploring I saw that microsoft has the Retail Management System (RMS) then CRM for Sales Management. Can someone guide / help me to understand what is the best solution from Microsoft to manage all 3 systems that customer is looking for?
    I went through many resourses <a href="http://blog.advids.co/20-video-marketing-examples-from-retail-management-software-and-solutions-services/">Retail Management Video</a> for help but,did not find any help.
    Please help me out.

    Any help will be appreciated.
    Thank you .
    See Forum
  • How? Could I access a retail manager job with no qualifications in retail management?
    • Sandra:
      Yes, actually this is a very common way in.
      • Ivan:
        You can get into retail management in many ways, for example being promoted from within a retail department, or also a graduate trainee management scheme, among others
        • Steph:
          And what wages can I expect?
          • Sandra:
            A starter position would be in the region of £20,000 to £30,000
    See Forum