11,921 Teaching Assistant Jobs

Some Valuable Facts about Teaching assistant jobs

To apply for a job, what are you waiting for? There are many job seekers interested in the vacances of Teaching assistant: nearly 50% of our users in the Education sector are looking for the same as you.

Are you ready for the hunt? Here is your choice: 16,569 jobs related to your search. You can also see the labour market evolution, since there are 10,265 offers that have been published in the last 7 days and there are other 32,399 open nominations in the last month that you really shouldn’t miss!

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Forum Teaching Assistant

  • Teaching assistant work activities Hi all, I want to start as a classroom assistant trainee and I’d like to know what are the normal daily activities about this particular job.
    • My2girls1518:
      teaches lessons (PPA cover if level 3 enhanced or HTLA), teach interventions, marks books and sets targets for pupils, support and Gifted & talented pupils maybe first aider or responsible for administering medicine (after a course), may supports students during break and lunch time. After school you will need to designs displays of children work, attend specialist courses and actively partakes within staff meetings, observed regularly, covers break duties, creates resources for individual students in class,
      photocopying resources and sticking them into pupils books, deals with sick children, takes after school clubs, attends parents evenings, after school plays, discos and fairs, weekend school events, goes away on residential visits, liaises with other professionals, supports children in crisis. It's a very diverse role and no two schools implant TAs the same but that's just a selection of some of the duties we do. Some obviously require additional training or are higher trained TAs.
      • Angie:
        Thank you My2girls1518 for your detailed account. I was precisely wondering the same thing as Ellie. It looks like a terrific job if you have the vocation for it, and I'm pretty sure I do! Wish me luck! Any insights into the wages I should expect?
    See Forum
  • Learning support assistant in Brentford School For Girls Hi, Someone knows if working hours and conditions in Brentford School For Girls are ok? Could anyone tell me about his own experience in this college?
    See Forum
  • Type of work contract What should I take into consideration when choosing the type of job contract for me? (full/part time, etc...)
    • shameena:
      Teaching Assistant part time; willing to do a temporary job.
    See Forum
  • My career goals What are some career goals you’ve set this year that you want to achieve?
    • Ioana:
      My goal for 2016 is to achieve HLTA status and start a qualification to allow me to work as a EAL in North West of England.
    See Forum