Trainee Biomedical Science Jobs
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The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Victoria, United Kingdom
The successful candidate will perform the various diagnostic procedures required for the delivery of the service under the supervision and guidance of the senior scientific staff. At present, these procedures... Trainee Biomedical Science Work careers... Competitive
from: - 7 days ago
Nhs Scotland - Glasgow, City of Glasgow, United Kingdom
The Pathology Department provides a comprehensive analytical and Consultant led clinical Histopathology, Cytology and Post Mortem service to clinicians working within NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and other... Trainee Biomedical Science careers... Competitive
from: - 12 days ago
SYNLAB UK - Yeovil, England
SYNLAB UK & Ireland have extensive experience of working in partnership with the NHS to deliver and improve pathology services through its existing pathology joint ventures - including Southwest Pathology... trainee biomedical scientist liverpool... £27K - £29K (Employer Est.)
from: - 8 days ago
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